Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Subject Verb Agreement

3. Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb dengan subject dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat berupa nounpronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak). 

Simple present tense adalah tenses atau pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menceritakan waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana. Dapat diartikan juga Simple Present Tense itu adalah bentuk tenses yang terjadi dalam kebiasaan sehari-hari, tidak selalu berkaitan dengan waktu, dan mengekspresikan kebenaran yang umum. Dalam present tense ada singular dan plural. Cara penggunaannya adalah sebagai berikut :

Singular ----> She/He/It menggunakan Verb ies/es/s

Plural ----> They/We/I/You menggunakan verb 1

Contoh :

She goes to school ---> Singular karena ada kata she dan verb dari kata go menggunakan tambahan kata es

They play basketball ----> Plural karena ada kata they dan play nya menggunakan verb 1

"One, each, dan every"

"One, each, dan every" selalu diikuti dengan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung (singular countable nouns). Dan tidak pernah diikuti oleh  kata benda jamak ataupun kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns).

Perhatikan contoh penggunaan "one, each, dan every" pada kalimat di bawah ini:

One student was late to class. (Artinya: Satu siswa terlambat datang ke kelas)

Each student has a schedule. (Artinya: Setiap siswa mempunyai jadwal)

Every student has a schedule. (Artinya: Tiap-tiap siswa mempunyai jadwal)


Every one (dieja dalam dua kata) adalah sebuah ekspresi untuk kuantitas (expression of quantity). Contohnya:

I have read every one of those books.

(Artinya: saya sudah membaca tiap-tiap dari buku-buku itu)

Everyone (dieja dalam satu kata) merupakan indefinite pronoun, kata ini memiliki arti seperti everybody. Contohnya:

Everyone/ everybody has a schedule.

(Artinya: Setiap orang mempunyai jadwal)


Each dan every secara dasar memiliki makna yang sama. Hanya saja:

Each digunakan ketika kita sedang memikirkan suatu orang/ benda pada waktu itu. Contohnya:

Each student has a schedule = Tina has a schedule, Brian has a schedule, Bent has a schedule, etc.

Every digunakan ketika kita bermaksud untuk mengekspresikan semuanya (all). Contohnya:

Every student has a schedule = All of the students have schedule.

Gerund Phrases

Gerund phrases adalah frase yang terdiri dari gerund ditambah dengan objek dan/atau modifier. Seperti halnya gerund, gerund phrase juga berperan sebagai nomina dalam kalimat.

Dalam membuat kalimatnya  bila Subject Gerund (Verb ing) maka verbnya harus singular. 

Contoh : 
  • Your singing is very beautiful.
  • Reading in the dark room is not good. 

Some of, A lot of, Half of, None of, Most of
Pada suatu kalimat jika singular noun maka verbnya singular. Begitu juga bila plural noun maka verbnya plural.
Contoh :

  • Some of car in the show room is luxury.
  • None of this money is mine.

Each of, One of, Every one of pada suatu kalimat diikuti plural noun, dan verb harus singular.

Contoh : 

  •  Each of people is not same.
  • One of my friends is beautiful. 

 The number of plural = Jumlah -----> Singular Verb
A number of plural = Sejumlah -----> Plural Verb

Contoh :

  • The number of plants in each plot was 25.
  • A number of people are dancing on the stage.
·         Subject-verb agreement is a match between verb and subject in terms of number, namely: singular (singular) or plural (plural). Subjects can be noun, pronoun, or other constructs acting as nouns, such as gerund and infinitive. Basically, singular subjects use singular verbs, while plural subjects use plural verbs.

Simple present tense is a tense or sentence pattern used to tell the present time in simple form. Can also be interpreted Simple Present Tense is a form of tenses that occur in daily habits, not always related to the time, and express the general truth. In present tense there is singular and plural. How to use is as follows:

Singular ----> She / He / It uses Verb ies / es / s

Plural ----> They / We / I / You use verb 1


She goes to school ---> Singular because there is a word she and verb of the word go using an additional word of ice

They play basketball ----> Plural because there is a word they and play it using verb 1

"One, each, and every"

"One, each, and every" is always followed by a singular countable nouns. And never followed by plural nouns or uncountable nouns.

Consider the example of using "one, each, and every" in the sentence below:

One student was late to class. (Meaning: One student arrives late to class)

Each student has a schedule. (Meaning: Every student has a schedule)

Every student has a schedule. (Meaning: Each student has a schedule)


Every one (spelled in two words) is an expression of quantity. Example:

I have read every one of those books.

(Meaning: I've read every one of those books)

Everyone (pronounced in one word) is indefinite pronoun, this word has the meaning like everybody. Example:

Everyone / everybody has a schedule.

(Meaning: Everyone has a schedule)


Each and every basically has the same meaning. It is just:

Each is used when we are thinking of a person / object at that time. Example:

Each student has a schedule = Tina has a schedule, Brian has a schedule, Bent has a schedule, etc.

Every is used when we intend to express everything (all). Example:

Every student has a schedule = All of the students have schedule.

Gerund Phrases

Gerund phrases are phrases composed of gerund plus objects and / or modifiers. Like gerund, gerund phrase also acts as a noun in a sentence.

In making the sentence when Subject Gerund (Verb ing) then the verb must be singular.

• Your singing is very beautiful.
• Reading in the dark room is not good.

Some of, A lot of, Half of, None of, Most of
In a sentence if the singular noun then verbnya singular. So also if plural noun then plural verb.

• Some of the car in the show room is luxury.
• None of this money is mine.

Each of, One of, Every one of a sentence followed by plural noun, and verb must be singular.

-Each of the people is not the same.
-One of my friends is beautiful.

 The number of plural = Number -----> Singular Verb
A number of plural = A number of -----> Plural Verbs


-The number of plants in each plot was 25.
-A number of people are dancing on the stage.


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